This post is part of our SQL Server security blog series, 30 SQL Server Security Checks in 30 Days. We’re publishing a new security check every day in the month of June. Visit our sp_CheckSecurity page to learn about our free SQL Server tool you can download and run to check your own server.
Understanding the intricacies of user access and permissions is crucial for a secure and reliable SQL Server instance. A couple of aspects that often go unnoticed until they become a problem are the concepts of orphaned and invalid users.
What is an Orphaned User in SQL Server?
In SQL Server, a user becomes ‘orphaned’ when it exists within a database but lacks an associated login at the server level. This typically occurs when a database is either moved or restored to a different SQL Server instance. To understand why, it’s important to note that while logins are created at the server level, users are created at the database level. Each login is linked to a unique Security Identifier (SID). Therefore, during the process of moving or restoring a database, the SIDs may not align correctly, resulting in orphaned users.
What is an Invalid User in SQL Server?
An invalid user in SQL Server is a user that has been created in a database but is not linked to a login at the server level. This can occur when a login is dropped from the server or when a database is restored to a different server where the login does not exist.
The Problem with Orphaned and invalid Users
Orphaned users can lead to a few issues. For instance, after attaching or restoring a database, previously created and configured logins in the database may not provide access, leading to ‘login failed’ errors. Additionally, when trying to add a login to the database, you may encounter a message stating, ‘the user already exists in the current database’. Orphaned users, despite losing login capabilities, still retain permissions and database/object access. On the other hand, invalid users have one main visible issue in that any agent jobs owned by the user will fail due to authentication issues. Fortunately, both are relatively easy to identify and fix.
Identifying orphaned and invalid users
I have created a script that will help identify invalid and orphaned users, as well as finding schema’s owned by the orphaned users. The remediation for orphaned users is to drop them from the database, re-link them to a server principal, creating a new one with the same SID, or creating a login for the windows user. In the case of recreating a SQL auth login, please make sure to adjust the password before running the provided create statement. If you are going to drop the orphaned user, the last section identifies any schemas owned by the user which will need to re-assigned before the drop can succeed.
For invalid users, the typical solution is to drop them from the instance and databases as well, unless it is a mistake that the account was deleted from the domain environment. Please run this on a test environment first and understand the implications of each of the possible actions you can take before doing so.
-- Ready to go at master level! SET NOCOUNT ON -- ALL results table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results; CREATE TABLE #Results ( Importance int, [User] NVARCHAR(50), Script NVARCHAR(300), Alternate NVARCHAR(300), ); -- Invalid Logins table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#InvalidLogins') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #InvalidLogins; CREATE TABLE #InvalidLogins ( LoginSID varbinary(85), LoginName NVARCHAR(100) ); INSERT INTO #InvalidLogins EXEC sp_validatelogins; Insert into #Results SELECT 0 , LoginName , '/* Drop Invalid login */ USE master; DROP LOGIN ['+ LoginName+']; /* Login no longer present in windows.*/' , NULL FROM #InvalidLogins -- Orphaned User table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Orphaned') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Orphaned CREATE TABLE #Orphaned (UserName nvarchar(100), dbn nvarchar(100),IDENT INT IDENTITY(1,1)) INSERT INTO #Orphaned (UserName, dbn) EXEC sp_MSforeachdb ' USE [?] IF DB_Name() NOT IN (''tempdb'') BEGIN SELECT CAST([name] as NVARCHAR(100)) , db_name() FROM sys.database_principals WHERE sid NOT IN (SELECT sid FROM sys.server_principals) AND authentication_type_desc = ''INSTANCE'' AND type = ''S'' AND principal_id != 2 AND DATALENGTH(sid) <= 28 END' -- Orphaned User Fixes Script Generation DECLARE @loop INT DECLARE @USER sysname IF(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Orphaned) > 0 BEGIN SET @loop = 1 WHILE @loop <= (SELECT MAX(IDENT) FROM #Orphaned) BEGIN SET @USER = (SELECT UserName FROM #Orphaned WHERE IDENT = @loop) IF(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.server_principals WHERE [Name] = @USER) <= 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.database_principals WHERE [Name] = @USER AND type_desc = 'WINDOWS_USER') BEGIN Insert into #Results SELECT 1, @USER, '/* Re-adding the user */ CREATE LOGIN [' + @USER + '] FROM WINDOWS', NULL FROM #Results a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #InvalidLogins b WHERE a.[User] = b.LoginName ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.database_principals WHERE [Name] = @USER AND type_desc = 'SQL_USER') BEGIN Insert into #Results SELECT 1, @USER,'/* Re-creating the SQL user */ CREATE LOGIN [' + @USER + '] WITH PASSWORD = N''C0mPl3X$_p@s$w0Rd_ _FoRce_ R3$3t!!''' , NULL END END Insert into #Results SELECT 2, @USER, '/*Re-linking users*/ USE [' + o.dbn + ']; ALTER USER [' + @USER + '] WITH LOGIN = [' + @USER + ']' , '/*Eliminating unneeded user*/ USE [' + o.dbn + ']; DROP USER IF EXISTS [' + @USER + ']' FROM #Orphaned o WHERE IDENT = @loop SET @loop = @loop + 1 END END SELECT DISTINCT Importance, @@SERVERNAME as [Server Name], [User] as [Orphaned User], Script, Alternate FROM #Results a ORDER BY importance --- Check for any objects owned by these orphaned or invalid users before dropping -- Object Ownership table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Ownership') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Ownership; CREATE TABLE #Ownership ( dbname NVARCHAR(100), objectname NVARCHAR(100), objecttype NVARCHAR(50), user_owner NVARCHAR(50), fix_script NVARCHAR(300), ); --Database Schemas INSERT INTO #Ownership EXEC sp_MSforeachdb ' USE [?] IF DB_Name() NOT IN (''tempdb'') BEGIN SELECT db_name() , , ''Schema'' , , ''USE [''+ db_name() +'']; GO ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::['' +''] TO [dbo] /* previous owner ['''']*/ GO'' FROM sys.schemas s INNER JOIN sys.sysusers u ON u.uid = s.principal_id INNER JOIN #orphaned o on COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = o.UserName ORDER BY END' SELECT * FROM #Ownership SET NOCOUNT OFF
Managing orphaned users is an essential part of SQL Server administration. Understanding what orphaned and invalid users are, how they are created, and how to handle them can prevent unexpected access issues and ensure smooth database operations.