Posts Categorized: Free Tools

10 Free SQL Server Resources We Love

free sql server resources

Featured image photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash Everybody loves freebies, and the SQL Server community is full of them. Free scripts, stored procedures, blog posts, books, and helpful advice from some of the smartest minds are all available to you right now. So whether you’re just starting your career as a Database Administrator … Read more as a Free Monitoring Tool for Your SQL Servers: A Jr. DBA Review

SQLwatch review - free monitoring tool - review by jr DBA

I have been working for Straight Path for a while, and I have grown comfortable with the monitoring tools we use and what we look for on a daily basis. I thought I would branch during our second “Community Tools Month” and try out SQLWatch since it is a free community tool designed to help … Read more

Check Your SQL Server Configuration

I blog a lot about best practices, defaults and paying attention to your installations. It’s a huge pet-peeve of mine to see improperly configured instances. One of the things I always do when doing a health check is review an instances configuration options. On quite a few client environments, just a couple quick knob turns … Read more