sp_check: SQL Server Database Checks

SQL Server Audit

What's the issue?

One or more SQL Audits have been detected to be running on your SQL Server instance.

Why is this a problem?

Because SQL Audits can use excessive resources if set up to do things like track every query, you should review any running SQL Audits and determine if they are necessary and what is in their output files. Additionally, check to make sure the audits have the correct folder permissions where they are being written and that there is no chance they can consume all available drive space.

What should you do about this?

Review any running SQL Audits on your SQL Server instance.

What do the Vulnerability Levels mean?

0 - Information only. This is stuff you should know about your instances like version and service account used, but if you don't know it…well, now you do.

1 - High vulnerability requiring action. These are the issues that could most likely lead to your company being front page news for all the wrong reasons. If your instances have any results at this level then we recommend cancelling that 3-martini lunch and instead huddling with your team to figure out when to address these issues.

2 - High vulnerability to review. These include settings and assigned permissions you should review soon, if not immediately. These findings may not necessarily indicate a clear vulnerability, but we've found unexpected vulnerabilities in these categories at many, many clients.

3 - Potential vulnerability to review. These are configurations or assigned permissions you may be using that could lead to problems for users. Or maybe they're just required for your applications. Either way, we recommend reviewing these to make sure these are correct.

4 – Low vulnerability with recommended action. These are typically security inconsistencies that should be addressed. They aren't likely to cause problems, but you should clean up the mess.