December 31, 2008
Haven’t looked into all of the details underneath but at the surface probably a good reminder of where WITH RECOMPILE can be helpful… Using SQL Server Reporting Services, a workaround was used (this is the part I want to look into more) to basically get a blank report showing when a user first links to … Read more
Rolling Back (or is it??)
December 31, 2008
Interesting Issue Today/Yesterday – A query was using a linked server to grab data from DB2 via an ODBC connection. Normal execution time is about 15 minutes. This had run on for at least 7 hours when it was decided to kill it, appeared to be doing nothing but causing blocks (due to Intent Shared … Read more
Troubleshooting Methodology
December 31, 2008
What is a troubleshooting methodology? A lot of the technical problems I encounter with clients or in various roles are not really the fault of the technology at hand. They are either the result of rushed work, apathetic work or botched troubleshooting. Before talking about what troubleshooting is, let’s talk about what it is not. … Read more
First Entry
December 31, 2008
Hello, This is the first post on the new site. I am hoping to make this blog a useful one. I hope to post here regularly and am promising myself I will only post something if it meets some of the following criteria: It is something I spent time researching/investigating to discover the tidbit I … Read more