SQL Server Blog

Hey DBAs: Be Prepared

I’m a big fan of bringing ideas and concept in from other industries to the world of technologists, particularly those of us in professions operating in and around data. I’ve written posts before about lessons from aviation, a string of failures at the Secret Service, some corollaries to farming or our gardens at home, some experiences … Read more

Welcome Tara Kizer!

So you probably saw the announcement from our friend Brent Ozar last week. He’s going to be focusing on his really cool training and tools and a bit less on consulting. When that announcement came, it didn’t take very long for a couple people on the team to nudge me about it. I was sort … Read more

PASS Prayers – Year 10!

Quick note: From time to time I blog about the Bible here. I try to keep those posts on my personal blog – Open Mike (it’s been too long since I’ve posted over there!!)– but sometimes it makes sense for a quick cross-post over here. I always tag those posts with the Bible category and you are … Read more

Straight Path Solutions is Announcing the Arrival of Mike Clark

Back in June, I wrote a blog post called “We’re Growing Again!”. I thought I would likely be writing another one maybe by the end of Q4 this year, possibly in Q1. After all, three years ago it was just me. Two years ago, it was just Bruce and me at the company. Without giving … Read more

We’re Growing Again!

When I set out to build Straight Path – my first goal was to consult and share my passion for all things SQL and Data Platform with other companies. I love what I do. If I could do it all for free? I probably would – I just enjoy making problems go away and watching … Read more

Alt-Shift: The Value of a Tribe

In 2018, remote work is a fairly popular gig among techies. It seems that each year that goes by, I know more folks who work at home the majority of the time, and quite a few more each year who effectively do all the time. This is great. It’s great for the family. It’s great … Read more

… And it got me thinking

I’m sitting in my hotel room at my something’th MVP Summit, a little jet-lagged, missing my family and my church family on a day we normally would be Worshipping. It’s been a full weekend already. I got to visit with one good friend for dinner last night. Before that, I was at the funeral of another … Read more

Azure SQL – It’s already in there already: Security

I’m not saying you have to be in the cloud. I’m not saying you have to be on premises, either.  In fact, I’m more saying “you need to be where it’s right for you and your environment.”  Some of my clients make sense to stay on-prem.  Some should be in the cloud – yesterday.  Still … Read more

I Want YOU to Submit to speak at the PASS Summit

Hey Everyone! Quick blog post. PASS HQ sent an e-mail to some of us past PASS Speakers asking us to share our thoughts on what we had to gain from speaking at the Summit. They asked for a video or blog post. I figured I’d do both. I love encouraging people to speak or blog … Read more

Straight Path Solutions Welcomes Jack Corbett!

Hey there, Dear Readers! I hope you are well. Thanks for coming by and reading this post. If you’re my mom, you’ve been reading this blog of mine since the start back in 2008 or thereabouts. If you aren’t mom, maybe you know a little of the history of Straight Path. Maybe you don’t.  Let’s … Read more

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