SQL Server Blog

t-sql tuesday

Important Lesson during a Job Interview – #TSQL2SDay

This month, Kendra Little his hosting T-SQL Tuesday. The monthly blog carnival among SQL Server, Microsoft Data Platform, Data People. It’s been around for quite some time. I hosted the 4th T-SQL Tuesday back in 2010 or 2009 about Storage and IO. So cool to see it going this long. And a topic that I … Read more

“Ex-Admin Deletes All Customer Data and Wipes Servers”

My headline is borrowed from a headline on bleepingcomputer.com. This just happened to a Dutch hosting provider in 2017. You can read the article. Actually, you must read the article. If you didn’t here’s the basic gist: An administrator quits or was fired or whatever. He or she didn’t get their access terminated right away. He … Read more

Hey Techies – Get Out of Debt

How do you eat an elephant? I’ll tell you at the end if you don’t already know. In the meantime let’s talk about another elephant – the one in the room – you are in debt. In some way, you’re probably in debt right now. Maybe you owe to student loan or credit card companies. … Read more

Don’t be too Afraid to Grow Your Career

What are you afraid of trying? Most people who are great at something were afraid before they started, too. Sure everyone does different things with their fears. And some people just don’t have that fear, but I bet most do. In this quick video, I talk about a few things I used to be afraid … Read more

You are Free: Career Lessons from a farm fence

When I put Database technology down,  I run a 20-acre farm with my family. I love it. It’s fun watching the kids learn from the experience. Learning my life lessons and illustrations from the chores and animals is fun. A farm scare today made me think of you. There is a lesson for us all … Read more
SQL Server Security

SQL Server Security Basics

This isn’t the complete guide to securing a SQL Server, but these are some of the more common things I bump into and wish I wouldn’t when it comes to SQL Server Security. Read these practices, understand them by searching the web or come here and ask me for questions or advice. If it means … Read more
SQL Server Max Memory Best Practices

SQL Server Max Memory Best Practices

In this Straight Up SQL Server Tips series, we’re going back to basics, focusing in on SQL Server memory, specifically talking about setting SQL Server MAX memory. Many of these are findings in our SQL Server Health Checks or things I bump into on the forums and Q&A sites when I’m out answering questions. Today … Read more
SQL Server Transaction Log Management

How To Manage The SQL Server Transaction Log File

“Help! My SQL Server transaction log file has run out of space on my SQL Server!”, “Why is my SQL Server Log file so big?”, “How do I shrink my SQL LDF?” – I hear these questions all the time. I’ve been blogging since 2009 and way back then I wrote some posts about shrinking, … Read more
DevOps - Don't forget the ops

DevOps: Don’t Forget The Ops

I want to commend the team at GitLab.com – they had an issue that took down a key database and everything else with it effectively and when they came back, there was data not coming back. This happens. This happens in “Traditional” 1.0 IT companies (ask my usual airline, Delta, they’ll tell you two stories … Read more
Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads

Optimize For Ad Hoc Workloads – Enable or not?

With today’s Straight Up SQL Server tip, I want to talk about a setting I have so far only ever recommended to enable: Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads. Rather than just make a suggestion, I want to keep in the spirit of the tips for beginner approach to the series and describe a little of … Read more

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