SQL Server Blog

We’re Here to Help

Sometimes we bicker in this SQL Family.. Sometimes we get frustrated with each other.. But we participate in this family because of comments like the one below. Let’s all make it a goal for the rest of this year to remember that.  A Short Disclaimer… I’m not the father of this SQL Community – and … Read more

Memory Prices Changed – Have Your SQL Servers?

Psst – My services are likely more expensive than the memory your SQL Server needs and wants. Your CIOs and Directors need to stop thinking they are buying servers and components in 2004, or even 2010. I do all sorts of consulting gigs for all different reasons, but a lot of tuning gigs and wellness … Read more

SQL Server Join Syntax: It’s Changed!

Alright so maybe that was a little misleading of a title… SQL Server join syntax changed awhile ago, when ANSI-92 joins became the norm. And Microsoft was threatening to remove it for awhile. The older outer join syntax just doesn’t work in SQL Server 2012.  We All Knew SQL Server Joins Were Changing… I know… … Read more

Thankful – And I Didn’t Build It

Thanksgiving is upon us once again. I’ve been blogging here  since early December 2008 – that’s crazy – and I’ve blogged a quick blurb about Thanksgiving and Easter each time one has come up while I’m blogging. So this year won’t be any different. I have a lot to be thankful for. Only problem is … Read more

Take Your Kids to SQL Saturday Day

I’ve been mostly away from twitter lately – so busy! – but I’m really glad I checked in to do a little bragging tonight. I just sent a simple tweet out “Taking my daughter to an upcoming SQL Saturday.. Will be her first time in this city and her first SQL Saturday!” What followed was … Read more

PASS Summit 2012 – Birds of a Feather Lunch

Going to the SQL PASS Summit this year? I sure hope you are! This year, like in 2009, 2010 and 2011 I helped out in getting the Birds of a Feather lunch organized for one of the days. PASS may never ask me back after this year seeing as how the Summit is next week … Read more

Listen, we need to talk

SAN Administrators and DBAs… Developers and DBAs… Project Managers and DBAs… The… the… the business users and DBAs… Oh, my… It seems like everywhere we look there is some group that us DBA types seem to have a problem with. I know we all don’t… But it’s one of those relationship issues we are -supposed- … Read more

Well Meaning Isn’t Enough

Your company’s data is pretty darn important. Your ability to interact with and glean insights from this data is key to your business in just about every industry. Whether that data is patient care records, the “recipe” for the MES processes manufacturing your drug, your customer list or sales trends this holds true. You probably … Read more

5 Reasons I Love My Job (#meme15)

2016 Update – In July of 2016, I went all-in with Straight Path Solutions and left Linchpin as a partner and managing director. I blogged about it here. The good news? All of the below are still quite true, in many ways? Even more so now. Even 4 years later 🙂 Pardon The Cobwebs… It’s … Read more

I’m Cheating!

“I could never go into independent consulting! It’s way too risky!!!” – That’s the typical reaction when talking to other technologists (mostly all who are better skilled than I am, it seems) about going off into the big bad and scary world of independent consulting. Truth be told, it’s where I sort of found myself … Read more

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