SQL Server Blog

Can’t Troubleshoot? Don’t Apply!

If you can’t diagnose a problem and troubleshoot it, you can’t work with me. I interview for that skill.

Hello SQL Ralliers!

If you are coming here from sitting in my presentation on Thursday at 8:30 at the SQL Rally then this post should be useful. If you are thinking about it, maybe the link contained within will be useful. If you aren’t, well then hopefully my other content will be useful! You can see more about … Read more

PASS Summit Preferences

I just received an e-mail from SQL PASS. This year they are taking some community input into the session selection process apparently. Anyone who is a free member of PASS can vote on session preferences here. I like this idea and think this along with the speaker review process (I am a member of that … Read more

Empty Tomb Living

Occasionally, I blog about my Christian faith. Particularly around Easter and this year will be no exception. If you have come here looking for SQL Server or Professional Development content, there will be some next week.I do this as a way of encouraging, witnessing and sharing, not to offend or annoy.  If you are offended … Read more

SQL meme Monday

Just came across this post by Bob Pusateri. He came across a post by Tom LaRock. I like the idea. My first Meme Monday post: Restores – Test them you must or failures you will have. Consider yourself tagged. I look forward to seeing your post.

Better Than the MVP Award?

It felt good to find out I was awarded last week. What’s better, though? Session feedback like the following comment that truly made me feel like an MVP: Thanks Mike, I wasn’t sure where to start. Now I Know. I had originally decided to not submit for SQL Saturday 71 since I was helping organize … Read more

I’m a SQL Server MVP

I got an e-mail from someone at Microsoft congratulating me on my MVP award earlier today (during a pretty busy week of SQL Saturday preparations, ironically). I knew I was nominated but I had been a couple times before so wasn’t holding my breath – especially when I see the range of people around who … Read more

Seacoast SQL – Andy Novick This Tuesday (3/8)

Hanging out in the greater Seacoast NH region this week? Well come on down to the Pease Tradeport and visit the Seacoast SQL Server Users Group on Tuesday night! Free food from the Green Bean cafe will be provided for you as well as giveaways and, most importantly… Technical Training To Help You Grow! That … Read more

SQLU DBA Week – DBA Progress Report

This week was DBA Week At SQL University. We’ve seen two great posts from Robert Davis, a couple posts from me and some input from DBA Coach LaRock. Today we’ll lighten things up. It’s Friday so let’s close our notebooks and have a classroom discussion about our attitudes and learning. There are all sorts of … Read more

SQLU DBA Week – Set It And….

Welcome to the third day of DBA week at SQL University. On day one, I kicked off the “back to basics” journey I’ve chosen for fellow students with my post reminding you that you’re only as good as your ability to restore. Microsoft Certified Master Robert Davis brought us a good reminder on Day 2 … Read more

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