SQL Server Blog

SQL Saturday #33 – Charlotte – A Recap

I am sitting in the terminal at Charlotte’s airport waiting for my flight back, it’s a bit delayed so I have time to reflect on a great SQL Saturday. This was my second SQLSaturday and it was a fantastic event. Boston was also great, as I blogged about but I was here a bit longer … Read more

Invitation for T-SQL Tuesday #004: IO

Yes, it is already time for T-SQL Tuesday again (well one week away, time for the invite). I have been thoroughly enjoying T-SQL Tuesday (especially the posts ones from Brad Schulz) but the fact that this is #004 means time is flying too fast lately. You Don’t Know What T-SQL Tuesday Is Yet? Adam Machanic … Read more

Unrelated Relationship Ramblings

It’s Tuesday somewhere when this post goes up. In fact when this goes live it will be sometime around Tuesday afternoon or evening in Adelaide Australia. Why there? This month’s “T-SQL Tuesday” is being hosted by Rob Farley over at his place. His topic is “relationships”. He talks about the history of T-SQL Tuesday over … Read more

SQL Saturday, Seacoast SQL and January

Where does the time go?! January was an incredibly busy month with the day job, home, a battle with the flu and the wrap up of the holidays. It went felt like it took a week to go by but some good news came in January as well. This first week in February, I hope … Read more

StraightPath Solutions – A Year in Review

As we approach the end of 2009,  I want to give myself a review on where I have been, what I have done and where I can grow next year from a SQL Server consultant point of view. Part Time – Enough Time For Fun As I have posted before and explain on the about … Read more

For Unto Us a Child Is Born

Merry Christmas! StraightPath Solutions wishes you and your family a blessed Christmas season and a safe New Years celebration. I won’t have any other posts this week and will have a couple end of year wrap up posts next week, back to regular posting in January. I hope you enjoy the joy that this season … Read more

Got SQL Server Questions?

A Great Idea – #SQLHelp hashtag on Twitter I was following a conversation today between Brent Ozar, who is @BrentO on twitter and Aaron Nelson, who is @SQLVariant on twitter. A great idea was discussed: A twitter hashtag that, as Jorge Segarra (or @SQLChicken on twitter) describes it in his blog post, can act like … Read more

Blogging Tips Interview With Brent Ozar

Welcome to the final post in my series on metablogging topics. We started with a post on my site called “Why Should I Blog?“, which went live the same time as the first part of the below video interview with Brent Ozar. That first video interview went live on Brent Ozar’s Blog.The text series finished … Read more

How Should I Blog?

Welcome to Part 2 of our walk through some “metablogging” topics. In the first part (Why Should I Blog?, we covered some of the basics from my experience with a year of blogging done. The main goal was to encourage you to share in a blog if it’s something you have been considering. Part 0 … Read more

My Greatest Weakness?

Around The Blogosphere I was enjoying being an audience to the “greatest weakness” posts going around in the latest meme. This time it was started by David Stein who blogs (quite regularly) over at Made2Mentor.com in his post, “What is your biggest weakness? – The Classic Interview Question”. As I said, I was enjoying reading … Read more

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