SQL Server Blog

A PASS Sandbox to solve real problems?

What A Week! I had a great time at the PASS Summit of 2009. I met too many people to keep count of and I can’t list everyone here for I know I’ll forget someone. Thank you if I met you and if I didn’t… Darn it! We’ll have to meet in 2010, I will … Read more

Seacoast SQL Server Users?

Live in NH, Maine or Northern Mass? I have been toying with the idea in the back of my head to get a user group setup for SQL Server folks a little closer to home. I love the New England SQL Server users group (NESQL) that Adam Machanic (twitter,blog) runs. I have been to several … Read more

A PASS Sandbox to solve real problems?

This blost post is located here: http://straightpathsql.com/blog/2009/11/10/a-pass-sandbox-to-solve-real-problems.html please update your reference. Apologies for any frustration, no great redirect technology with this blog provider.

Christians at Pass Update (#passprayer)

Last week I posted about getting together with other Christians while at the PASS Summit this year. We have a good core group formed and we will be meeting throughout the conference. I was originally planning on being there for Sunday evening but there was a death in my wife’s side of the family (her … Read more

Christians at SQLPASS Summit

From time to time, I blog about my faith here. I am really moving those posts over to my site where I talk about my faith, thoughts on liberty and other personal topics, A Believing Patriot. From time to time I will cross post here and since this post has to do with my SQL … Read more

My Name is Mike, and I am a Square.

“Hi, Mike!” That’s right. The first step is admitting I am a have a problem. I’m a square. Someone tells a joke, the crowd is laughing hysterically.. I wait a few (too many) beats and add mine. They aren’t… oh wait! Not that kind of square.. (though the verdict is still out on the other … Read more

Visiting from the Quest Connect Presentation?

Hello and welcome to Mike’s blog. If you are here visiting from the Quest Connect Presentation, please be sure to check out my blog post that contains resources based on the topic, links to the twitter handles of all those on the round table as well as some links to a white paper on I/O … Read more

PASS Summit Birds of a Feather Lunch – Topics!

Update (10-21): Glenn Allen Berry just blogged about this and he mentioned something I forgot to tell you: at least one of the MVPs asked if they could give away a copy or two of their book. I don’t know if any one else will but one more reason to show up and find out. … Read more
sp_configure is the "type set" of SQL Server

How to use sp_configure in SQL Server

2018 Update – Straight Up SQL Server Tips posts  – this is an edit as part of our SQL Server tips when we referenced SP_Configure there –> Not much has changed with sp_configure in SQL Server. The below post is still quite current as far as how to use sp_configure or sys.configurations to check and change … Read more

Free SQL Training Online – Wednesday 10/21/09

Where? Quest Connect is an online series of webcasts on various topics. Some are pre-recorded (like the session that I did.. more on that later…). They have web casts on a variety of topics, not just SQL. You can look at the on demand topic listing here to see all the chats that will be … Read more

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