SQL Server Blog

SQL Quiz 4 – Leadership

Chris Shaw (Blog, Twitter) has started SQL Quiz #4 which asks for you to talk about a great example of leadership or a great leader. Many people have been tagged and  responded, including Jeremiah Peschka (Blog, Twitter) who jokingly offered to tag me in a twitter conversation. I told him not to bother but I … Read more

Embrace the Mundane, Appreciate the Simple

I just finished doing a simple deployment on a busy day during a busy week of a busy month of a busy career. I had to run a few SQL Scripts that were reviewed (I also reviewed them quickly), had to run them in order based on a simple note checked in with the scripts. … Read more

Manage Your Transactions (So They Don’t Manage You – Part 2)

This is the final in a series on shrinking and transactions. You can see them all in the Shrinking & Transactions category. In part 1, we talked about factors that affect transaction log growth. We talked about what a SQL Server transaction is and the various modes SQL interacts with a transaction (Autocommit, Implicit Transactions and … Read more

Tetelestai – It is Finished

I recently read a post by Michael Deputy that talked about his Blog Direction. He brought a good point up: Focus on what’s important. Well today I am doing just that. I am a Christian as I say plainly in many locations and in my about us page. I am thinking I may periodically post … Read more

Manage Your Transactions (So they don’t manage you – Part 1)

This is part 3 in a series on shrinking and transaction management. Click here for part 4. You can see them all in the Shrinking & Transactions category. If you are one of the people who have been reading this blog, you know where I stand on shrinking databases/log files. I don’t like the practice (Post 1, … Read more

Alphabet Blocks and a Solid Foundation

Continuing in the theme from last week’s post correlating the DBAs role to aspects of various careers (Pilots, Chefs and Doctors) an illustration came to me this past weekend. I was playing blocks with my 1 year old son. The game with him consists of me trying to hold him back for as long as … Read more

PASS Call for Speakers (…and my answer to that call)

I was in a company offsite meeting yesterday so I missed the fanfare on twitter and the blogosphere about the opening of the call for speakers. Brent Ozar blogged about it, Thomas LaRock blogged about it… Countless others on my blogroll also blogged about it. The bottom line is go to the PASS speaker resources … Read more

Checklists, Recipes and Algorithms

What do checklists, recipes or algorithms have to do with Database Administration? A lot… If we study a few career paths we can see how a checklist or process flow  makes their lives easier. I love stealing ideas from everyday life, working them into something useful for my DBA career and I think we have … Read more

Analysis Services Command Job Step Failure

Just uncovered an already reported and fixed (in SQL Server 2008) bug with Analysis Services job steps reporting success even if your MDX or XMLA in the step failed. The troubleshooting that worked up to the issue also reiterates points I made when discussing troubleshooting methodologies and empirical evidence. The Problem Some changes were made … Read more

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