SQL Server Blog

free sql server dba tool sp_CheckSecurity

SQL Server Tool Update: sp_CheckSecurity version 1.1

Since releasing our initial version of sp_CheckSecurity, we have received quite a bit of feedback. Thank you for all the emails, blog comments, and issues noted in GitHub, that have all been helpful in directing us towards making this SQL Server tool more useful. Today we are announcing the release of version 1.1, available for download … Read more

How to Troubleshoot SQL Server With PowerShell.

PowerShell is an essential tool for SQL Server database administrators looking to streamline their workflow and automate repetitive tasks. When it comes to troubleshooting your SQL Server instances, PowerShell is an essential tool for the DBA toolbox. As a versatile scripting language and command-line shell, PowerShell enables seamless integration of commands, arguments, variables, and modules … Read more
free sql server dba tool sp_CheckSecurity

Introducing sp_CheckSecurity

Are your SQL Servers secure? With new threats to your data emerging daily, it’s a difficult question to answer. And what is even included in the word “secure”? Sure, maybe you’re confident you have security against hacking (or maybe not?), but what about internal security? Are you protected against oops moments? Are there elevated permissions … Read more
sql server consultancy core values guiding principles

Building a Consultancy: More Principles

A couple of weeks ago, I started blogging about part of the journey of creating our SQL Server Consulting firm. I may someday work on more posts on the journey from full-time DBA to doing some side work to leaving with an “anchor client” to going off on my own (and my adventures with Linchpin … Read more
sql server consultancy core values guiding principles

Building a SQL Server Consultancy

Principles and Values First In 2011, I set out to be an independent SQL Server consultant. At the time, if you told me I’d be looking back 13 years later as a “CEO” with a team of 15+ FTEs I would have laughed at you, I think. But it happened. I’ve been reflecting back on … Read more
How to Optimize SQL Server Performance by Separating Workloads

How to Optimize SQL Server Performance by Separating Workloads

I wrote this to share a series of scripts that help identify if workloads are appropriately separated on the SQL Server host. The main reason we look for this is to avoid I/O contention and waits, which is a challenge that can significantly impact performance. If you are unsure if your server is experiencing I/O … Read more
how to audit sql server database backup chains

Audit Your Database Backup Chain!

All database administrators know that safeguarding data is paramount and having a strong restore strategy is crucial. In this post, I would like to add another tool to your arsenal that I have found helpful in auditing server health and configurations as it pertains to backups and the backup chain. A backup chain is important … Read more

Is Your SQL Server Ready for a Compliance Audit?

Compliance audits ensure that organizations adhere to regulatory guidelines, industry standards, and internal policies. As SQL Server DBAs, you can be prepared for most audits if you already check all of the boxes outlined in this blog post. Each of these points could be its own blog posts, so take your time as you go … Read more
Adding SQL Server Access When You're Locked Out

Adding SQL Server Access When You’re Locked Out

As consultants we are sometimes asked the following question: “We have an old version of SQL that we can’t turn off and no one has access to it. Is there a way to create an account on a server you don’t have access to?” The answer is YES, and it isn’t as difficult as you … Read more

Maximizing SQL Server ROI in M&A

The Hidden Goldmine: SQL Server Due Diligence in Acquisitions Whenever I’m chatting with folks in the investment world, especially those eyeing product or “… as a service” companies that use Microsoft SQL Server, I’ve realized there’s a real need for clear, actionable insights on what to look for in a SQL Server environment. It’s not … Read more

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