SQL Server Blog

A Simple SQL Server Health Checklist

Being part of a consulting team has given me experience with many environments, and part of the work I do every week is to check for the various best practices and monitor server health across over 20 environments. This post condenses the tools that can help and the configurations that are most likely to cause … Read more

SQL Server Health Checks Webinar

Hey there! This post is the “Summary/Recap” for our Webinar on Thursday 6/23 at Noon US EDT. If you’ve not already registered for it please do so at the big REGISTER button below this. We’ll be talking about the things we see on SQL Server health checks at Straight Path that we don’t think we’d … Read more

[Webinar] SQL Server Healthchecks: The Worst Repeat Offenders

This month, the team here at Straight Path Solutions will be kicking off our monthly webinar series with “The Worst Repeat Offenders on SQL Server Health Checks”. We hope you’ll join us for the 30-ish minute presentation and the panel discussion/Q&A after. The Worst Repeat Offenders on SQL Server Health Checks Every time we onboard … Read more

Jeff and Geoff – We’re growing.

Hey!!! The last team announcement post was about our good friend and Senior Consultant, Joe Fleming moving on to the scary world of independent consulting. I cannot tell you how great it is to be working at a company that cares so much about the team, that we’ll even help make someone have a soft … Read more

6 Things to Do Before Calling Microsoft Support

“Can you please open a ticket with Microsoft for our SQL Server?” – Perhaps one of the scariest requests ever when I was a full-time DBA or SQL Server consultant (though, as a CEO I may be tempted to say, “Hey it’s billable, bring it on!” ) If you’ve ever gone through the process – … Read more

SQL Server Patching Best Practices

It’s day four of the two weeks to a healthier SQL Server series. If I were making this ten-day plan even just three years ago, I would have had this lower on the list. With the security and compliance needs of the world today and the way Microsoft services SQL Server – it’s important to … Read more

Straight Path Team Change

When I decided to go off and join the world of SQL Server consultants, I wrote a blog post. Eleven years ago I wrote this post. It was an urge to myself, and a call to others. It’s one of my favorite two blog posts I’ve ever written. That’s germane to the topic here. In … Read more

DBCC CHECKDB: Look for SQL Server Corruption

A monster’s worse fear is being found. – Richelle Goodrich This is part of the Two Weeks to a healthier SQL Server series. Today we’ll address SQL Server Corruption – or hopefully how to find and deal with it before it finds and deals with you. Data loss and user deletes are expensive and difficult. … Read more

How Inc. Columnist’s Response to Criticism Displayed Wonderful Emotional Intelligence.

I held my breath and opened Twitter today. I scrolled around and somehow landed on a tweet from Casey Toner of a media watchdog group in IL. He saw something that seemed a little odd over there at Inc. It seems there were a bunch of articles with similar headlines. All seemingly having to do … Read more

Restoring SQL Server – Are you Ready?

It’s 5 AM on Wednesday. Your CIO has called your cell phone at home. “We need you to log in right now! Someone or something deleted all of the inventory. I tried to help out the team right before the inventory disappeared, and I was running some SQL commands I found and a couple of … Read more

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