Restoring SQL Server – Are you Ready?
It’s 5 AM on Wednesday. Your CIO has called your cell phone at home. “We need you to log in right now! Someone or something deleted all of the inventory. I tried to help out the team right before the inventory disappeared, and I was running some SQL commands I found and a couple of … Read more

How to Assess Your SQL Server Environment
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincon Welcome back to the Two Weeks to A Healthy SQL Server series of posts! This is the official “Day One” post. This first step may not be the most glamorous or the biggest payoff, … Read more

Two Weeks to a Healthy SQL Server
Many companies have the wrong people managing their databases. It sounds mean, out of context. But note we didn’t say “bad people” or “mean people,” just the wrong people to ensure a healthy SQL Server. Sometimes it’s even worse than that. It’s not the wrong person, it’s “no person.” Nobody owns its uptime, recoverability, or … Read more

A Good SQL Server DBA Makes Lousy Bets
The “Prod-Server Casino“ A production environment isn’t anything like a casino, at least not from the perspective of the guests. It needs to practically be guaranteed to succeed (So I guess, the house always winning is sort of similar.) You want everything to be sure in it. It isn’t grand. There aren’t fountains, there aren’t … Read more

Should an MSP Build a SQL Server Consulting Practice?
As I reflect on where Straight Path Solutions has gone and what we’ve become – one thing has become clear. We’re a Managed Services Practice in large part. It’s a highly specialized and niche MSP, but the service delivery model we have is really modeled after MSP practices. We have a growing Professional Services “division” … Read more

How to Find a SQL Server Consultant
Let’s face it – a lot of the time, your SQL Servers seem to be running just fine. Someone someplace pressed next a few times, then finish – an application was installed, a database was deployed for that application, and you’ve not looked back. Until now. So, you need to find a SQL Server consultant. … Read more

It’s Not Your Emergency!
The best EMTs and Medics are the ones who realize, “This isn’t my emergency,” early enough. You’ll be a better DBA or technologist the quicker you learn the freedom that comes from that line of thought. (Also, a warning – in this post, I talk about – in vague terms and no medical specificity about … Read more

SQL Server Patching – A Primer
With some of the CU and SP misses that happen, what’s a good schedule for patching a SQL Server? What are some things to do before applying a CU to a SQL Server? How can we verify our SP or CU didn’t break anything? And what CU should I apply? The latest? The even number … Read more

Presenting – What I’ve Learned
So I totally missed the boat on a GREAT T-SQL Tuesday topic – “What’s something you’ve learned while presenting?” But with a twist – something technical, you’ve learned that you didn’t learn. Well, mine is a bit embarrassing… I’ll share that. Also – I totally skimmed the topic and some of the post titles. I … Read more

The Sound of Silence
Oops. I missed a blog post yesterday (Saturday). In fairness, I spent the night running around in the first snowstorm of the season trying to get ready for it (somehow caught off guard – again – by the first storm.) We had to move our cows around and deal with some limbs down and a … Read more
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