We Sell Green Checkmarks

Expert SQL Server Consulting

Straight Path SQL offers Microsoft SQL Server database troubleshooting, monitoring and maintenance, migrations, and upgrades from small businesses to large enterprises.

We Sell Green Checkmarks

Our consultants are SQL Server experts who can solve your SQL Server problems and keep them from coming back.

Database management has never been this easy. The Straight Path team is full of database gurus who can help you speed it up, sort it out or set it up right. Client satisfaction has increased because problems are solved and workflows are positively impacted. As a result, I am sleeping like a baby knowing our databases are being watched and managed diligently. I don’t know what we’d do without them.

Dean Tammam, Red Key Solutions

SQL Server Consulting Services

DBA as a Service

Remote, senior DBAs and SQL Server consultants on your team, not on your payroll.

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We can plan and execute your move to the cloud. We can optimize your costs.

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Expert, painless, set-it-and-forget-it SQL Server upgrades.

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sp_check – Free SQL Server Resources

Our SQL Server consultants have developed a set of community tools that help keep your SQL Server secure and healthy. They’re free, easy to use, and ungated.

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SQL Server database backup tool for checking recoverability issues

Introducing sp_CheckBackup: Check Your SQL Server Backups for Recoverability Issues

Whether you are backing up your SQL Server databases with Ola Hallengren’s scripts, Maintenance Plans, or some third-party software, your backups are your lifeline for recovering your data in case of a disaster. So…are your databases recoverable? Do you know WHERE your most recent backups were written? Do you know WHEN they were written? Did … Read more

I’m Cheating!

“I could never go into independent consulting! It’s way too risky!!!” – That’s the typical reaction when talking to other technologists (mostly all who are better skilled than I am, it seems) about going off into the big bad and scary world of independent consulting. Truth be told, it’s where I sort of found myself … Read more

The Veil Was Torn

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom… (Matthew 27:50-51) When this post goes live it will be Easter Sunday – resurrection sunday. The day that Christians throughout the world celebrate the … Read more

A Book, a Mentor and a Community

It’s 2006 – I’m at the SQL PASS Summit. My first one. A former manager, colleague and friend of mine invited me to dinner with a bunch of his business partners. It would have been one of the small number of social things I did that year. Otherwise I was a wall flower, in my … Read more

I’ve Joined Linchpin People

I have a new business card again – this time it says Partner, instead of “Owner”… If you recall, In June of 2011, I decided to explore the world of independent consulting and see what it had for me. I made the move for a few reasons but primarily – 1.) I wanted to manage … Read more