We Sell Green Checkmarks

Expert SQL Server Consulting

Straight Path SQL offers Microsoft SQL Server database troubleshooting, monitoring and maintenance, migrations, and upgrades from small businesses to large enterprises.

We Sell Green Checkmarks

We’re SQL Server experts who can solve your database problems and keep them from coming back.

Database management has never been this easy. The Straight Path team is full of database gurus who can help you speed it up, sort it out or set it up right. Client satisfaction has increased because problems are solved and workflows are positively impacted. As a result, I am sleeping like a baby knowing our databases are being watched and managed diligently. I don’t know what we’d do without them.

Dean Tammam, Red Key Solutions

SQL Server Consulting Services

DBA as a Service

Remote, senior DBAs on your team, not on your payroll.

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We can plan and execute your move to the cloud.

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Expert, painless, set-it-and-forget-it SQL Server upgrades.

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sp_check – Free SQL Server Resources

We’ve developed a set of community tools that help keep your SQL Server secure and healthy. They’re free, easy to use, and ungated.

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SQL Server Security: 3 Homework Assignments to Start Today

This post is part of our SQL Server security blog series, 30 SQL Server Security Checks in 30 Days. We’re publishing a new security check every day in the month of June. Visit our sp_CheckSecurity page to learn about our free SQL Server tool you can download and run to check your own server. Thanks … Read more

And So It Begins..(ActiveAugust)

It is August First. The opening day of #active august (twitter search, my initial post on it). There are several others participating which makes it good for encouragement and accountability. I am going to weigh in every Saturday and try and keep the daily progress notes on twitter. I have not done a SQL blog … Read more

Romans 7, meet Romans 6 (part 1)

I occassionally post some blog entries about my faith and family or both. These posts may or may not touch on SQL Server and this is one of them. I discussed this when I first blogged about Jesus’ last words on the cross (Tetelestai). I welcome you to read or skip and I won’t be … Read more

Active August –> Get out and Get Healthy

Alright so the other day I was congratulating SQL Server Extraordinare Chuck Boyce on twitter. He has lost some weight following a low carb diet and he is doing great with it. In the process I joked about how I fell off the wagon for “Fit February” and thought aloud of starting to have an … Read more

Worked fine in development…

How many times have you heard or uttered those words? You work hard and understand the business requirements, you try and get the logic to work to make the procedure return what was expected or update the data as expected. You do some unit tests in your environment, it may not scream but it comes … Read more