Posts Categorized: News and Announcements

Straight Path Team Change

When I decided to go off and join the world of SQL Server consultants, I wrote a blog post. Eleven years ago I wrote this post. It was an urge to myself, and a call to others. It’s one of my favorite two blog posts I’ve ever written. That’s germane to the topic here. In … Read more

Presenting – What I’ve Learned

So I totally missed the boat on a GREAT T-SQL Tuesday topic – “What’s something you’ve learned while presenting?” But with a twist – something technical, you’ve learned that you didn’t learn. Well, mine is a bit embarrassing… I’ll share that. Also – I totally skimmed the topic and some of the post titles. I … Read more

Welcome Tara Kizer!

So you probably saw the announcement from our friend Brent Ozar last week. He’s going to be focusing on his really cool training and tools and a bit less on consulting. When that announcement came, it didn’t take very long for a couple people on the team to nudge me about it. I was sort … Read more

We’re Growing Again!

When I set out to build Straight Path – my first goal was to consult and share my passion for all things SQL and Data Platform with other companies. I love what I do. If I could do it all for free? I probably would – I just enjoy making problems go away and watching … Read more