Posts Categorized: SQL Server Community

… And it got me thinking

I’m sitting in my hotel room at my something’th MVP Summit, a little jet-lagged, missing my family and my church family on a day we normally would be Worshipping. It’s been a full weekend already. I got to visit with one good friend for dinner last night. Before that, I was at the funeral of another … Read more

A Shirt. A Conference. A Village

Fair warning. I’m in a sentimental mood. I’m tired. I’m caffeinated. I have my “nice headphones” on listening to my eclectic collection on shuffle but somehow it turned into “With or Without You” from U2 on repeat a few times. . . And I just went to change into bedtime clothes. I tried to put on the rattiest … Read more

T-SQL Tuesday #80 Happy Birthday Chris, Have Some Changes

t-sql tuesday

My good friend and brother Chris Yates is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday. I’ve not participated in one of these for a little bit now. Been busy doing the consulting thing, I guess!  I cannot believe this is the 80th month already!  That’s about six years of T-SQL Tuesday Blog Carnivals. I still remember way back when when Adam … Read more