Posts Categorized: metablogging

A Shirt. A Conference. A Village

Fair warning. I’m in a sentimental mood. I’m tired. I’m caffeinated. I have my “nice headphones” on listening to my eclectic collection on shuffle but somehow it turned into “With or Without You” from U2 on repeat a few times. . . And I just went to change into bedtime clothes. I tried to put on the rattiest … Read more

Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die – A Review

Having trouble getting your ideas accepted? I read a book that can help you. You can read the review or just go out and get the book, I recommend it. “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.” There is a link ‘below the fold.’ Yes, some readers got what they needed from … Read more

Blogging Tips Interview With Brent Ozar

Welcome to the final post in my series on metablogging topics. We started with a post on my site called “Why Should I Blog?“, which went live the same time as the first part of the below video interview with Brent Ozar. That first video interview went live on Brent Ozar’s Blog.The text series finished … Read more