Posts Categorized: DBA

DBA Reminders from an FAA Fire

Last Friday a long time employee set fire to the FAA’s Chicago Control Center. You can read about the fire and the 2,000+ flight cancellations that resulted  here and here. Keeping with the spirit of ripping lessons from headlines like I did in last week’s learning communication skills lesson from a police shooting, I think there are some lessons us … Read more

4 Attitudes I Wish I Had Earlier as a DBA

  Outside of Work is Really Important This one is first and longest  for a reason. Time – it keeps going. It doesn’t pause while you have a busy month at the office. That means the things that matter the most in life keep happening. Whether you are there or not. Right now. Right this moment – especially … Read more

SQL meme Monday

Just came across this post by Bob Pusateri. He came across a post by Tom LaRock. I like the idea. My first Meme Monday post: Restores – Test them you must or failures you will have. Consider yourself tagged. I look forward to seeing your post.

SQLU DBA Week – DBA Progress Report

This week was DBA Week At SQL University. We’ve seen two great posts from Robert Davis, a couple posts from me and some input from DBA Coach LaRock. Today we’ll lighten things up. It’s Friday so let’s close our notebooks and have a classroom discussion about our attitudes and learning. There are all sorts of … Read more