Posts Categorized: Personal

Letter to my Daughter

I’ve put this on my personal blog, Open Mike, where I am trying to keep matters of faith and personal life so I can keep the focus here on technology blogging and SQL Server consulting. But this was one I wanted to share in both spots as I sometimes do and will do.   Introduction As … Read more

Bad news . . .

This is another post on the Bible, it isn’t technical content, you’ve been warned. Back to technical posts next week. Yesterday, for resurrection weekend a blog post of mine went live about the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the Good News. That was going to be it. Last night, however, I attended a simulcast of … Read more

Good News!

This is a post about my faith and the “Easter” holiday. As long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve written about the resurrection of Christ on “Easter” weekend. This will be my 4th post on Easter. The first one was about one of the words Christ proclaimed from the cross, “Tetelestai” (An accounting term for it is … Read more

The Veil Was Torn

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom… (Matthew 27:50-51) When this post goes live it will be Easter Sunday – resurrection sunday. The day that Christians throughout the world celebrate the … Read more

I’m Thankful For: A Vibrant Technology Community

I’m a SQL Server Blogger – how could a week of Thanksgiving posts go by without at least one about this thing that is the SQL Server Community? To recap – I’m doing a series of posts this week on things I’m thankful for – one each weekday. This has looked like: Perspective – Why … Read more