Posts Categorized: Thanksgiving

I’m Thankful For: A Vibrant Technology Community

I’m a SQL Server Blogger – how could a week of Thanksgiving posts go by without at least one about this thing that is the SQL Server Community? To recap – I’m doing a series of posts this week on things I’m thankful for – one each weekday. This has looked like: Perspective – Why … Read more

I’m Thankful For: Self Employment

This is Thanksgiving week here in the US. This week, I am going to try and share a post each day about something I’m thankful for. So far I’ve shared how I’m thankful for: Perspective – Why looking back at past challenges can make current ones seem, well, not that big. Relationships – I am … Read more

I’m Thankful For: Perspective

This is Thanksgiving week here in the US. This week, I am going to try and share a post each day about something I’m thankful for. We’ll start today with perspective – Why I’m thankful for it and why I think you’d benefit from some looking back with perspective in mind as you contemplate whatever … Read more