Posts Categorized: Troubleshooting

5 common Problems to Troubleshoot with sp_WhoIsActive in SQL Server

If there were a Mount Rushmore of SQL Server community tools, Adam Machanic would have to be one of the four faces. You may not know his name, but you more than likely know the free troubleshooting tool he created over a decade ago: sp_WhoIsActive. Fix your performance problems, fix your blocking, fix a bunch. … Read more

DBCC CHECKDB: Look for SQL Server Corruption

A monster’s worse fear is being found. – Richelle Goodrich This is part of the Two Weeks to a healthier SQL Server series. Today we’ll address SQL Server Corruption – or hopefully how to find and deal with it before it finds and deals with you. Data loss and user deletes are expensive and difficult. … Read more

TDE, Instant File Initialization, and Treating the Patient

So maybe you read the post title, and you already have an idea where this post is going… In the heat of the moment, I didn’t. Long story short – we had a client who was having some ugly excessive autogrowths causing a nasty cycle. Their autogrowth wouldn’t complete within the timeout period for the … Read more

Hey DBAs: Be Prepared

I’m a big fan of bringing ideas and concept in from other industries to the world of technologists, particularly those of us in professions operating in and around data. I’ve written posts before about lessons from aviation, a string of failures at the Secret Service, some corollariesĀ to farming or our gardens at home, some experiences … Read more

Slow Down and Communicate!

Earlier this week I ripped a headline for blog post inspiration. Looks like the week will end that way, too. Before you ask – this isn’t about the PASS organizational struggles – though I thinkĀ it applies there – and looking inside I think it applies to me there. It also applies to parenting. I’m writing … Read more

Hey Techies.. Try Simple Solutions First!

Last week a man jumped the fence at the home of the President of the United States. This is a fairly routine occurrence. Except he made it to the door to the “residence” portion of the White House – where the first family lives. And made it through the unlocked front door – where he … Read more