Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

Building a Consultancy: More Principles

sql server consultancy core values guiding principles

A couple of weeks ago, I started blogging about part of the journey of creating our SQL Server Consulting firm. I may someday work on more posts on the journey from full-time DBA to doing some side work to leaving with an “anchor client” to going off on my own (and my adventures with Linchpin … Read more

Books and Covers…

Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrows, which the world knows not, and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad. Longfellow, Hyperion (1839) This post has been rattling around in my head for several years. Of late, though, the rattling has turned into a steady vibration. The day before I … Read more

Cluster Validation – BEWARE!!!

Subtitle: SHAME ON YOU MICROSOFT! This is not a new behavior. It’s not a new risk. It’s the same old risk that’s been in Windows Failover Clustering for quite some time. But it’s worse for SQL Server environments that use a Windows failover cluster for an Availability Group – since you are not sharing storage … Read more

SQL Server In Place Upgrades: Too Expensive?

In Place SQL server Upgrades Stink

About eight years ago, I wrote a (kind of long) answer to a DBA. Stackexchange question, “Are SQL Server In-Place upgrades as ill-advised as they used to be?” My summary answer on the top of my tome was: Short Answer – In Place is okay. You can review your configuration afterward and implement the best practices … Read more