SQL Server Blog

Where I’ve Been – 2010 Wrap Up

This was a good year in a lot of ways both personally, professionally and with spiritual growth. I still have far to go and plenty of goals to whip together for 2011 but a quick rundown of where I’ve been. These thoughts are my own, and don’t speak for my employer. the next post will … Read more

Prepare For the Disaster Before The Disaster

Kind of like some previous common sense posts inspired by mundane tasks (Day Job Tips learned from the garden, a dump trip, etc.), I was hit with another blog thought today. This goes well with my post – Plan To Fail or Don’t Expect To Succeed. Updated: Added a sound piece of advice in the … Read more

On The 11th Day of SQL

What’s This? Brent Ozar had another good Idea (I lost track of how many he’s had). This time it is to take the folks who attended the first free-con (his guinea pigs) and ask us what posts we enjoyed in 2010 from folks who weren’t at this first free-con gathering. We’d wrap up 12 of … Read more

Merry Christmas 2010

I wrote a longer post for last Christmas. I shared some Bible verses that are usually on my heart and in messages around that time of year. Rather than do a replica, let me direct you to what I wrote last Christmas in my post, “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” That post rings … Read more

What Should PASS Be and Do?

Alright. So my last post (PASS Is Not The SQL Community) generated some interesting feedback so far and it was posted later on a Friday. I am sure there will be some more generated. In the meantime I wanted to put up a quick post with a disclaimer and something more constructive. Disclaimer I think … Read more

PASS Is Not The SQL Community

Alright, so maybe the title was inflammatory. Let me explain what I mean. This is a thought that has been brewing for a bit. Reading Andy Leonard’s recent post about SQL People and then his post from August (somehow I missed it when it came out even though I regularly read his blog) brought the … Read more

You Keep Using That Word – T-SQL Tuesday Entry

Steve Jones is in the control room for this month’s T-SQL Tuesday challenge. His topic is a good one. I won’t repeat it here, just look at his post announcing this month’s topic. His topic is discussing challenges we’ve faced when dealing with “customers” (I use that to include clients, managers, colleagues, the business, etc.). … Read more

A Song of Thanksgiving

Another Thanksgiving is fast approaching. With it, I might as well post another quick reminder of what I am thankful for. I seem to be starting a few traditions – Thanksgiving posts, Easter Posts and starting (but never finishing or posting) New Years resolution posts. Last years Thanksgiving post probably covers it all and looking back, … Read more

Brand Meet Person – Un-SQL Friday

The Midnight DBA’s started a new blog carnival in the spirit of the T-SQL Tuesday carnival started by Adam Machanic (I hosted one of the earlier one’s on SQL Server IO here). This one is called “Un-SQL Friday” The point is to post something that is adjacent to SQL Server but no more than adjacent. … Read more

Create Your Own SQL Server Server Roles

So you’ve heard the buzz by now –  SQL Server Denali is now available in a Community Technology Preview. This was announced, released and handed out in DVD form at the SQL PASS Summit this past week. I just got the chance to install it and I played with one feature that I could see … Read more

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