SQL Server Blog

Community, Community, Community!

Picture Steve Ballmer doing his “Developers” moment of keynote insanity. (yes the link is to a google property.. Don’t ask me what hardware I’m writing this post on… but the software is Windows at least). Replace it with Community. That’s what makes SQL Server different than a lot of other technology areas. I was selected … Read more

Seacoast SQL Nov Meeting Gives Back

Apologies for the delay in getting meeting notice out but it is still happening, just off by a week. It is going to be a fun time. Instead of hearing a presentation, eating some free food and enjoying our freely provided location at Great Bay College, we are going to combine our skills to solve … Read more

People pay to listen to speakers…

So it is just about time to leave for the SQLPASS Summit and I wanted to air a couple pet peeves that I sometimes see at such events as an audience member. The pet peeves center around the fact above. Yes, I enjoy the networking, chance to help give back through volunteering, interaction with vendors … Read more

My PASS Summit Schedule – Pass Prayer Update

Howdy – Quick Post. I wanted to let folks know more about the times for the PASS Prayer post I wrote last week and then just talk about where I’ll be. There are a LOT of people I want to say hello to that I’ve met last year or at a SQL Saturday. There are … Read more

I’m Mike Walsh and I’m Asking For Your Vote

Alright. So Grant Fritchey did it first. And if he can do then I suppose I can also 😉 (I actually agree with him and think you should vote for Grant and Gail in their respective categories). Actually, I think there are a lot of good candidates out there, including some excellent new bloggers (either … Read more

PASS Summit – Early Morning Prayer

Quick Note – As I recently posted, I am switching roles and beginning work for a consulting company. Part of that role will include my time blogging and sharing some of those posts on a blog site they host or linking back to their company. One of my first orders of business will be the … Read more

The New Adventures of Mike Walsh

Leaving So Soon? I just started the job I am at about 4 months ago. I love it. I really do – I’d probably tell you if I didn’t (some times I need to work on my filter). This is the first company I’ve worked at without a thick air of politics and clawing for … Read more

SQL Saturday 49 – Orlando Recap

(Remember, it is best to post new blog entries on weekdays during the business day. Not at 7PM on a Saturday.. Do as I say not as I do) I miss my wife and kids. In that respect, I am eagerly awaiting the airplane to come take me back to Boston so I can journey … Read more

PASS Summit MVP Birds of a Feather Lunch 2010

Hello! Less than a month to go before the #SQLPASS North American Summit for 2010 begins! Wow! This year will mark my third PASS conference. The first was in 2006 and I was a quiet, shy wall flower who hung out with a few folks that I knew (Like Andy Kelly, though he’ll deny it … Read more

Prof. SQL Server 2008 Internals & Troubleshooting

This book needs to be in your library. …
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