We Sell Green Checkmarks

Expert SQL Server Consulting

Straight Path SQL offers Microsoft SQL Server database troubleshooting, monitoring and maintenance, migrations, and upgrades from small businesses to large enterprises.

We Sell Green Checkmarks

Our consultants are SQL Server experts who can solve your SQL Server problems and keep them from coming back.

Database management has never been this easy. The Straight Path team is full of database gurus who can help you speed it up, sort it out or set it up right. Client satisfaction has increased because problems are solved and workflows are positively impacted. As a result, I am sleeping like a baby knowing our databases are being watched and managed diligently. I don’t know what we’d do without them.

Dean Tammam, Red Key Solutions

SQL Server Consulting Services

DBA as a Service

Remote, senior DBAs and SQL Server consultants on your team, not on your payroll.

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We can plan and execute your move to the cloud. We can optimize your costs.

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Expert, painless, set-it-and-forget-it SQL Server upgrades.

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sp_check – Free SQL Server Resources

Our SQL Server consultants have developed a set of community tools that help keep your SQL Server secure and healthy. They’re free, easy to use, and ungated.

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Managing Orphaned Users in SQL Server with sp_FindOrphanedUser

Addressing orphaned users is an important piece of SQL Server security management. When left unchecked, you can accumulate an overwhelming number of users that exist in a database but do not have a correlating login in the master database, thus preventing access to the server or the database at all. There are dbatools PowerShell modules … Read more

It’s The Data, Stupid

No Offense I mean no offense by the title. The title goes back to American election politics. Someone somewhere (James Carville said this in 1991 about the focus of the campaign he managed for Bill Clinton.. Forgot that, but I found it in about 8 seconds because of fast data in the cloud). I’m not … Read more

PASSPrayers 2014 – Sixth Year

SQL PASS isn’t that far off. Every year  now since the 2009 Summit (Had to count on my fingers a couple times to be sure it was really 6) there has been a quick gathering in the morning at some central location of Christians who wish to start the conference day off with a quick … Read more

kCura’s k-rad Idea & A Vendor Doing SQL Better

k-rad.. K  From kilobyte.. A thousand.. A thousand times Rad.. Back when a 40MB hard drive was perhaps average or maybe around the time of those big 1.6GB hard drives, it meant “really cool”.. Maybe today it would ex-rad or p-rad. Anyway. There’s a reason for this trip down BBS or mIRC memory lane.. We’ll get … Read more

Hey DBA Managers, Don’t Be Like the Secret Service!

Continuing from yesterday’s advice to DBAs…  Three Four (hey it’s for managers, brownie points…) lessons for management from the Secret Service “issues”.   Trust But Verify At the White House “upper management” at Secret Service didn’t realize how bad things were with recent lapses. At least I hope they didn’t and I’m going to assume they … Read more