SQL Server Blog

Relationship Advice From The FCC

I never thought a government agency would teach me a life lesson. That was until I had a long drive to a client site and pondered the FCC label you see on electronics, motors, and the like… I was listening to my Zune Pass music in the truck driving to a client a couple of … Read more

Launching Straight Path IT Solutions, LLC

I’ve made a big decision in my career and life – I’m going to become the manager of a really difficult employee. In fact, I’m going to manage his career closely and be responsible for paying him and his success or failure will spell my success or failure. At least he is smart, charming and … Read more

If You See Something, Say Something

I get to tell you an embarrassing story and I get to kick off a series of posts I’ve wanted to do for awhile now. Why? Because it’s “meme Monday” Check out Tom LaRock‘s post about the topic and the idea he came up with a couple months back. This week Tom asked us to … Read more

Your Dreams? They Don’t Come Looking For You.

Chase Your Dreams. Take risks and explore them more than you have been. That’s my thought today. It’s 10:22PM on a Friday. I wrote my blog post about blogging a couple years ago and some of the advice in it included publishing your posts when folks would be around to read it. That’s alright, though, … Read more

SQLRally FeedBack Received

I just got the feedback in from my SQL Rally presentation. I gave one presentation (well I took part in a couple other events and one other presentation but this was the only “all me” one that I was rated for) All in all I was pleased with my “performance”. This was the first time … Read more

Pragmatic Works Training Works!

A few months back I attended the best technical training I’ve ever attended. I enjoy mentoring people, I enjoy teaching and I hope to begin doing more of it in the coming months and years now that I have my MCT and am working for a consultancy. I learned as much about teaching style and … Read more

Best Practices: Explain and Understand Them!

Stop expecting people to blindly follow your advice. Stop blindly following the advice of others. I’m borrowing a lesson from the man who proclaimed he knew exactly when the world would end (last weekend October 21st now). If you only have a minute, my point is simple and I’ve hit it before here – For … Read more

Are You Planting Asparagus?

Working in the garden another thought/illustration hit me. A question actually – Are You Planting Asparagus? We love to eat the stuff. Why not research planting it and plant it with this year’s vegetable garden. We learned a few things doing that research: It’s Perennial & can produce for decades. It is picky about its … Read more

On Feedback… And a Plea To Event Organizers

I really like presenting. I’ve blogged about some tips for others thinking about starting before. In those posts, I share how I started out terrified of speaking in public. One of the reasons I am enjoying it to date? Good feedback. Don’t read that as “positive” (though there has been more of that than I’ve … Read more

Avoid Using Those Troubleshooting Skills

When I re-read yesterday’s blog post on troubleshooting steps, I felt guilty. Instantly. Why? Because I had failed to mention something to you in that post and failed to follow advice I just gave in my SQL Rally presentation. *In my own defense, I did mention that one of the bullets I used in that … Read more

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