SQL Server Blog

I’m Thankful For: Grace

I’m a broken person. I fall short of God’s Holy standard on a daily basis and that’s the definition of sin. I make mistakes. Like Paul described in Romans 7, I often find myself doing the thing I don’t want to do and not doing the thing I want to do. That’s why I’m ending … Read more

I’m Thankful For: A Vibrant Technology Community

I’m a SQL Server Blogger – how could a week of Thanksgiving posts go by without at least one about this thing that is the SQL Server Community? To recap – I’m doing a series of posts this week on things I’m thankful for – one each weekday. This has looked like: Perspective – Why … Read more

I’m Thankful For: Self Employment

This is Thanksgiving week here in the US. This week, I am going to try and share a post each day about something I’m thankful for. So far I’ve shared how I’m thankful for: Perspective – Why looking back at past challenges can make current ones seem, well, not that big. Relationships – I am … Read more

I’m Thankful For: Relationships

This is Thanksgiving week here in the US. This week, I am going to try and share a post each day about something I’m thankful for. We’ll started Monday with perspective and continue today with Relationships. Lots of different types. This topic is definitely Off-Topic and I talk about the Bible and my faith a … Read more

I’m Thankful For: Perspective

This is Thanksgiving week here in the US. This week, I am going to try and share a post each day about something I’m thankful for. We’ll start today with perspective – Why I’m thankful for it and why I think you’d benefit from some looking back with perspective in mind as you contemplate whatever … Read more

Microsoft Loves Your Big Data

This week at the SQL PASS Summit, Ted Kummert – Corporate Vice President of the Business Platform Division at Microsoft (think SQL Server) made an announcement in Wednesday’s keynote presentation. It is an awesome announcement for companies who have “big data” (think semi structured or even unstructured large data sets. Think data that is perhaps … Read more

SQL University – Troubleshooting Week

I was about to write another bunch of comments on why I think troubleshooting skills are important. I’ve changed my mind – I’ve done that before. So let’s start SQL University Troubleshooting week off with a couple reminders from past posts that say what I wanted to say this week already. If You Can’t Troubleshoot … Read more

PASS Summit 2011 – Birds of a Feather!

Howdy! The 2011 SQL PASS Summit is fast approaching. I’m happy to have been able to volunteer to help do some coordination of the Birds of a Feather lunch again this year (2010, 2009 topics). I am even more happy to announce the table hosts and table topics. Going to the Summit? Well then check … Read more

SQL PASS Summit Prayer Gatherings

This year will mark my 4th SQL PASS Summit, the 3rd in a row I’ve attended and the 3rd I feel led (and now encouraged by others who have been previously) to organize a time of prayer, fellowship and worship with other followers of Christ. This is the announcement/introduction post. If you are a Christian … Read more

Unbroken – A book review

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. I have been quite busy in the first couple months of working for myself. I suppose that is a great problem to have and I’ll be back to technical blogging soon, I promise. I’ve spoken for a PASS Virtual Chapter, I’m speaking At SQL Saturday 89 in … Read more

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