Posts Categorized: SQL Server Community

SQL 2008 R2 LoadFest – Session Notes

I spoke today at the SQL Server 2008 R2 Load Fest put on by Andy Novick of Novick Software. Great turnout, and it is always fun to see so many folks working together on the task of figuring out the nuances of SQL Server installations together. Also good to see that you were able to … Read more

Heckle Me, Summit Event and Mike Who?

Mike Walsh? Who? Where has Mike been? Well I originally had pledged to take August off from most extracurricular activities (the User Group still met, still had some PASS conference calls, more later). I guess I was feeling Parisian, except I didn’t go to Nice for the month and I made sure my elderly relatives … Read more

T-SQL Tuesday – Captains Mentor and Teach

sql server mentorship

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is being hosted by Robert Davis (@SQLSoldier on Twitter), and he asked us about learning and teaching. More on the Captain Quote at the bottom. (2021 Edit – I was cleaning up some old posts and just found this one. The lessons here are a whole new set of lessons as … Read more

Speaking at SNESSUG Wednesday!

Back in April, I invited Grant Fritchey to be our inaugural speaker to the Seacoast SQL Server User Group. My guess is he was frustrated with the traffic and time to drive from his office in Rhode Island up to New Hampshire in rush hour traffic. Why? Because shortly after his time speaking with us, … Read more

SQL University – Professional Development & Knowledge Sharing

This week is SQL University’s “Professional Development” week. Andy Leonard is a pro when it comes to this topic (check out this post and the links on it to see what I mean) and I asked if I could sneak a post in along side his this week since it is a topic I tend … Read more

SeacoastSQL First Meeting Recap

(Written the night of the meeting, edited and posted after) Wow. I just got home from a really great night with a fun group of people. The first meeting (hopefully of many more) was a success (more on what that means from my point of view below) and we had an amazing turnout – By … Read more