SQL Server Blog

The Veil Was Torn

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom… (Matthew 27:50-51) When this post goes live it will be Easter Sunday – resurrection sunday. The day that Christians throughout the world celebrate the … Read more

A Book, a Mentor and a Community

It’s 2006 – I’m at the SQL PASS Summit. My first one. A former manager, colleague and friend of mine invited me to dinner with a bunch of his business partners. It would have been one of the small number of social things I did that year. Otherwise I was a wall flower, in my … Read more

I’ve Joined Linchpin People

I have a new business card again – this time it says Partner, instead of “Owner”… If you recall, In June of 2011, I decided to explore the world of independent consulting and see what it had for me. I made the move for a few reasons but primarily – 1.) I wanted to manage … Read more

T-SQL Tuesday – Love, Big Data Style

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday falls on Valentine’s day so Steve Jones decided to talk about the Love affair that seems to be going on right now with the term “Big Data” and the DB industry’s rush to court Big Data. You can read more on his announcement post. Anyway here goes my T-SQL Tuesday contribution. … Read more

Don’t Splint Your Database Server To Death

A trauma patient can be “splinted to death.” So can a database server. It happens during at least one ambulance call each year and I’m sure it happens in many more data or network operation centers each year, too. This post is my attempt to start back up with my “Lessons From Disasters” series I … Read more

6 Reasons I Won’t Hire You

Looking for that next technology job? I’ll let you in on a little secret – six little secrets – Reasons I’ve said “no thanks” to SQL Server candidates when interviewing them for clients & employers: 1 – “I Don’t Know” isn’t a phrase you know… I ask different kinds of questions. Some are questions you’ll … Read more

PASS Ponderings Part newsequentialid()

Everybody else is doing it and I’ve never been shy to share my thoughts on the organization I enjoy being a part of (PASS is not the SQL Community, What Should PASS be and Do?, If Pass Closed its Doors…) And my motive is typically a constructive one. I actually really am PASSionate about PASS. … Read more

2011 – A Look Back Professionally

2011 was a year of changes for me professionally. It was a good year, I definitely didn’t do as many blog posts as I should have, though. Like I’ve talked about before in my sappy 2010 year end wrap up, sometimes you forget where you’re going if you don’t take a look back at where … Read more

All I Want For Christmas Is…

I’m not going to let another #mememonday pass without a post – one thought came to mind. The theme this month is – What gift do you want Microsoft to leave under the tree this year? I don’t want much. Bill Gates is already taking care of the world, so no beauty pageant wish there. … Read more

A Global Crisis – With a Solution?

Do me a favor. Count to 45. I’ll wait…     … Ok, you can put your socks back on – there won’t be any more counting. According to most of the studies on world health, somewhere around 3 kids under the age of five just died in the time it took you to count … Read more

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