SQL Server: Standard vs Enterprise Edition

Do you need SQL Server Enterprise Edition? Maybe. Maybe not. This blog post will help you figure out if you can make the move from SQL Server Enterprise Edition to SQL Server Standard. Lately, we’ve been finding more and more folks who can answer that probably not. I’ve lost track of the number of clients … Read more

Cluster Validation – BEWARE!!!

Subtitle: SHAME ON YOU MICROSOFT! This is not a new behavior. It’s not a new risk. It’s the same old risk that’s been in Windows Failover Clustering for quite some time. But it’s worse for SQL Server environments that use a Windows failover cluster for an Availability Group – since you are not sharing storage … Read more

SQL Server In Place Upgrades: Too Expensive?

In Place SQL server Upgrades Stink

About eight years ago, I wrote a (kind of long) answer to a DBA. Stackexchange question, “Are SQL Server In-Place upgrades as ill-advised as they used to be?” My summary answer on the top of my tome was: Short Answer – In Place is okay. You can review your configuration afterward and implement the best practices … Read more

Welcome, Sandra Delany!

But First… A Quick Note… “In Times Like These!” Hey There! What a weird time to be announcing a change on the roster. But here I am – announcing a change on the roster!! Straight Path is doing well so far with the shifting economy in these times, and we’ve been working closely with our … Read more