Posts Categorized: SQL Server Community

PASS Board Elections

Wow. It’s that time already. We have a lot of great candidates to choose from this year. It’s tough picking. It’s even tougher recommending. That said – I think there are three candidates worth mentioning and who I plan on voting for. And it was really tough to single any out! One candidate however, I … Read more

Well Meaning Isn’t Enough

Your company’s data is pretty darn important. Your ability to interact with and glean insights from this data is key to your business in just about every industry. Whether that data is patient care records, the “recipe” for the MES processes manufacturing your drug, your customer list or sales trends this holds true. You probably … Read more

5 Reasons I Love My Job (#meme15)

2016 Update – In July of 2016, I went all-in with Straight Path Solutions and left Linchpin as a partner and managing director. I blogged about it here. The good news? All of the below are still quite true, in many ways? Even more so now. Even 4 years later 🙂 Pardon The Cobwebs… It’s … Read more

A Book, a Mentor and a Community

It’s 2006 – I’m at the SQL PASS Summit. My first one. A former manager, colleague and friend of mine invited me to dinner with a bunch of his business partners. It would have been one of the small number of social things I did that year. Otherwise I was a wall flower, in my … Read more