Plan To Fail – Part Two

Let me share a little secret with you – You are going to fail. You’ll have multiple failures in diverse areas in life. It’s what you do with them that predicts if you’ll be an overall success. In the first post of this two part series, we talked about including failure in our plans and … Read more

Speaking at SNESSUG Wednesday!

Back in April, I invited Grant Fritchey to be our inaugural speaker to the Seacoast SQL Server User Group. My guess is he was frustrated with the traffic and time to drive from his office in Rhode Island up to New Hampshire in rush hour traffic. Why? Because shortly after his time speaking with us, … Read more

Check Out These Tools – SQL University

Some neat (and free) tools to help you out with SQL Server. This is my second contribution to the SQL University “Tools of The Trade” week series. In part one we had a quick chat about why to look at using various tools to help you out working with SQL Server. In this post, we’ll … Read more

Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die – A Review

Having trouble getting your ideas accepted? I read a book that can help you. You can read the review or just go out and get the book, I recommend it. “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.” There is a link ‘below the fold.’ Yes, some readers got what they needed from … Read more