SQL University – Professional Development & Knowledge Sharing

This week is SQL University’s “Professional Development” week. Andy Leonard is a pro when it comes to this topic (check out this post and the links on it to see what I mean) and I asked if I could sneak a post in along side his this week since it is a topic I tend … Read more

SeacoastSQL First Meeting Recap

(Written the night of the meeting, edited and posted after) Wow. I just got home from a really great night with a fun group of people. The first meeting (hopefully of many more) was a success (more on what that means from my point of view below) and we had an amazing turnout – By … Read more

T-SQL Tuesday #005 – Reporting For Duty

Aaron Nelson is hosting this week’s T-SQL Tuesday. His topic, like mine from last week, has a lot of ways I could go. He basically said to talk about something that has to do with reporting. I decided to take the hodgepodge approach and talk about a couple things. Disclaimer  – I am not syndicating … Read more

Why Seek Ye The Living Among The Dead?

I occasionally post a thought that is based on the Bible in my blog, though I haven’t in awhile and have more subscribers now hence this “advisory”.  While there are plenty who suggest it best to not mix personal sentiments or faith in a professional blog, I am willing to “risk” it as my faith … Read more

Bill Clinton Wasn’t Impeached For…

Yes, he was impeached, by the house and acquitted by the Senate. Not the point of my post today, forget the politics. He wasn’t impeached for all of that business with Monica Lewinski. Was it unethical? Yes. Was it immoral? Well to me it is. Was that activity an impeachable offense? No. Why was he … Read more